About Us

About our foundation

Today, 25th August 2023, a day for the commemoration of the birth of our founder, Dr. Oluebube A. Chukwu, we announce the inauguration of the Oluebube A. Chukwu Foundation. The Oluebube A. Chukwu Foundation will be a veritable vehicle for strategic philanthropy geared toward Building Today, For a Better Tomorrow, for everyone we may touch through our various programmes. It is the vision of our Founder, Dr. Oluebube A. Chukwu, to champion causes that contribute to ameliorating difficult situations for a great majority of people within rural and developing regions within and beyond Nigeria.

The foundation as envisioned by our Founder will drive advocacy for pertinent issues in society, contribute to raising future leaders in politics, offer academic scholarships, support small businesses with microfinancing, provide agro-support to farmers, and drive affordable medical/health programmes.

We are equally primed to open new frontiers of support to Nigerians so long as our modest efforts will attenuate difficult situations of those in need.

May God bless the works of our hands as we support our people in Building Today, For A Better Tomorrow.

The Oluebube A. Chukwu Foundation: Catalyzing Positive Change

In a world that often faces countless challenges, the Oluebube A. Chukwu Foundation stands as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change. With a resolute mission and a visionary outlook, this organization is dedicated to making a significant impact on society through a range of philanthropic initiatives. Their mission, vision, and objectives paint a picture of a better, brighter future for all.

Mission Statement:

The Oluebube A. Chukwu Foundation's mission is clear and resounding - to make a positive impact on society. Their dedication to addressing the needs of individuals and communities is unwavering. They do this by focusing on key areas, including healthcare, education, agriculture, and small-scale entrepreneurship. This commitment translates into real actions, such as providing medical outreach, academic scholarships, agro-support, micro-lending, and leadership training. The foundation's ultimate goal is to create a better present and a much more promising future for all.

Vision Statement:

The foundation's vision is nothing short of inspirational. They envision a world where everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, has access to quality healthcare, education, and economic opportunities. Their belief in a society built on compassion, inclusivity, and sustainable development is the driving force behind their diverse programs. By uplifting individuals, empowering communities, and fostering a culture of growth and progress, The Oluebube A. Chukwu Foundation is paving the way for a brighter tomorrow.

Aims and Objectives:

The foundation's aims and objectives are a testament to their commitment to change. They outline their strategic approach to achieving their mission:

  1. 1. Philanthropy: The foundation actively engages in philanthropic activities aimed at addressing the pressing needs of marginalized individuals and underserved communities.
  2. 2. Medical Outreach: They provide healthcare services and support to those who lack access to comprehensive medical care, ensuring no one is left behind when it comes to health and well-being.
  3. 3. Academic Scholarship: By offering educational scholarships and support to deserving students who face financial barriers, they open the doors of opportunity for the leaders of tomorrow.
  4. 4. AgroSupport: The foundation is dedicated to promoting sustainable agricultural practices, which not only ensures food security but also empowers small-scale farmers, fostering self-sufficiency.
  5. 5. Micro Lending to Small Scale Businesses: Recognizing the potential within small-scale entrepreneurs, they provide financial assistance and guidance, propelling economic growth and self-sustainability.
  6. 6. Leadership Training & Mentorship: To prepare the next generation of leaders, the foundation develops the leadership skills and potential of young individuals through training programs and mentorship opportunities.

Through these clear and focused objectives, The Oluebube A. Chukwu Foundation is poised to positively impact society, inspire change, and create a future where the promise of a better life is within reach for all. Their commitment to compassion, inclusivity, and sustainable development is a powerful force for good, serving as a reminder that even in challenging times, positive change is not just possible but inevitable when passionate individuals and organizations come together to make a difference.

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